Annars så tränas det för fullt här hemma på talet som Amanda ska hålla för sina klasskamrater på torsdag. Hon är så duktig och det är så kul att hör henne prata på engelska med den kanadensiska dialekten, det flyter på så bra. Hennes tal handlar om Sverige och vad hennes klasskamrater bör veta om Sverige innan de kommer dit för att hälsa på henne när hon flyttar hem.
På veckans program för Girls on the run så står det:
On the first lesson this week the girls begin to explore a new definition of beauty - inner beauty. Take some time this week to think of ways that you encourage your daughter to focus on her inner beauty (rather than just her external characteristics).
For Girls on Track, the girls will begin by identifying and recognizing their feelings. Through deep breathing practices as a means of relaxation, they will learn how to cope with all of their different emotions.
In the second lesson, the girls will identify how running can be used as a form of relaxation and self-reflection. They will begin to develop a strong sense of self through new stretching and deep breathing techniques. This lesson will be a little different than the rest as the girls will take time to "wire-down" and slow their thoughts.
In the second lesson, the girls will learn how to use a decision-making process (STOP, BREATHE, LISTEN, RESPOND) as a way to handle situations involving alcohol, tobacco and drug use. Girls will learn to STOP so they can really think about what is being asked of them; BREATHE deeply so they can cope with the anxiety or fear or negative response their body may be having to the question; LISTEN to the internal voice inside that wants to make a healthy decision and then RESPOND with the answer.
Detta blandas med löpning. Toppen för pre-tonårings utbrotten....
Åh, det låter ju så klokt, vilken förmån för Amanda att få ta del av allt detta.Det blir förena nytta med nöje.Det kan inte sägas tillräckligt många gånger, vilken duktig tjej ni(vi) har.
SvaraRaderaHon är en riktig kämpe!!!